Concert held at St. Mark’s Church, Woodthorpe on Saturday, 19th November 2022

Megumi Rolfe played Camille Saint-Saëns Violin Concerto No 3 in B Minor. Boots Orchestra also played pieces by Charles Gounod, Gabriel Fauré and Arthur Sullivan.

Programme cover
This audio clip contains excerpts from Saint-Saëns Violin Concerto No 3 in B Minor, Op 61
played by Megumi Rolfe, Soloist in Residence.
(Megumi’s own website has a video version. To view and hear it, use this link
and scroll to the photo at the foot of the page that is reached by the link.)

Megumi Rolfe’s website

Programme back


Diana was appointed Assistant Conductor of the Boots Orchestra in May 2019 and was
subsequently appointed Conductor on John Sheppard’s retirement in November 2022.

Some concert photos