Which web browser is the best to use for viewing this site?

Whilst they each may work slightly differently, all current versions or releases of the various web-browser brands can show everything in our site’s pages.

Obsolete versions or releases of some web-browser brands may not display our pages correctly and/or may not show some of the photos. 

This site has been tested successfully with several currently available web browsers including Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera and Safari. (No particular recommendation is intended, they are just listed alphabetically.) 

The key thing to know when viewing any web site is to use the most effective page orientation – ‘portrait’ or ‘landscape’ – however sometimes it can be tricky to get it right, so it is hoped the following notes may be helpful.

On smart phones and tablets:

  • If all the side-menu entries and sub-menus are not displayed when viewing the site in ‘landscape’ mode, try turning the phone or tablet through 90 degrees, so as to view the site in ‘portrait’ mode.
  • On some web browsers the ‘Menu’ icon – usually a square icon at the top of the window, that looks like three horizontal bars – will only appear if ‘portrait’ mode is being used.
  • On some smaller smart phones and tablets, when selecting – i.e. touching – certain side-menu items, any sub-menus which are available alongside them may or may not appear directly.
  • Some web browsers will only show a little ‘+’ sign alongside the side-menu item if it has one or more sub-menus. In such cases, touch the ‘+’ sign so that any sub-menu(s) are then displayed, from which items can then be selected.

On laptops, netbooks and other personal computers:

The default ‘landscape’ orientation usually works well and it’s worth making the viewing window as large as possible, so as to use the whole of the available screen area.

However, if all of the side-menu items are still not being displayed when you are viewing a page at maximum window size, here are two things to try:

1) Change the displayed size of all the text and images being viewed within the window:
Many browsers allow the “view within the window” to be magnified or reduced very easily by using a ‘Control-key shortcut’ to:

  • reduce the size of the contents of the window: hold down the ‘Ctrl’ key and press ‘-‘ (minus sign)
    (Doing that a few times should eventually make all the side-menu items visible.)
  • magnify the size of the contents of the window: whilst holding down the ‘Ctrl’ key, hold down the ‘Shift’ key and press ‘+’ (plus sign)
  • return the contents of the window to normal size: hold down the ‘Ctrl’ key and press ‘0’. (That’s the number zero, not the letter ‘o’.)

2) Find the ‘Menu’ iconusually a square icon which looks like three horizontal bars at the top of the window:

  • By using your mouse’s left button, “click-and-hold-down” a corner of the window and use the mouse to “drag” that corner to reduce the overall size of the window (as displayed on the screen) until the ‘Menu’ icon appears in the window. Then let go of the mouse’s left button. 
  • Once it is being displayed you can click on the ‘Menu’ icon using your mouse’s left button so as to see all the items in the menu. Then you can select one of them by clicking on it with your mouse’s left button.

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