Constitution of Boots Orchestral Society
dated 1st December 2024
- TITLE: The Society shall be known as ‘Boots Orchestral Society’.
- AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: These will remain as the study, practice and performance of music at concerts.
In normal circumstances: each concert shall be held to support a local charity; three concerts shall be held every season; each season shall run from September to July the following year. - OFFICERS AND COMMITTEE: The management of the Society shall be vested in an honorary committee consisting of at least a Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, Concert Manager, Membership Secretary, Librarian and Media Manager who will be elected by and from the members at the Annual General Meeting (AGM).
The Conductor and Leader will be appointed by the elected officers and will also be part of the committee. The officers will remain in office for one year and will be eligible for re-election. The committee shall have the power to co-opt additional members for particular duties. In the event of the resignation of an elected officer, the committee may co-opt a member to carry out his/her duties until the next AGM. - MEMBERSHIP: Prospective new members may be introduced by recommendation or apply direct to the Society.
Confirmation of full membership will be subject to these conditions: (a) attendance at three rehearsals, (b) the approval of the Conductor and lead player of the relevant instrument section, (c) the availability of a vacancy and (d) receipt of payment of the required membership subscription.
Because no subscription would ever be required from a ‘deputy’, only conditions (a) and (b) will normally apply to those who would like to be a regular ‘deputy’ for an instrumental section. - SUBSCRIPTIONS: The annual subscription payable by each member shall be decided at the AGM and should be paid within one month of the beginning of the season. Those joining part way through the year should pay a proportion of the annual membership subscription.
- ATTENDANCE: All members will be expected to attend rehearsals and concerts regularly and to let the Conductor or a committee member know in advance if they are unable to attend.
- FINANCE: A member may purchase goods or services for use by the Society after first having received prior authorisation to do so from the Treasurer and shall receive reimbursement for them from the Society.
No member is authorised to incur any debts directly in the name of the Society nor indirectly on behalf of the Society.
No member shall be held personally liable to settle any debts of the Society.
The Society may receive grants and donations.
In the event of dissolution of the Society, the remaining funds will be devoted to objectives similar to those of the Society. - GENERAL MEETINGS: An AGM will be held at the close of each season (normally July) with fourteen days’ notice being given to all members by the committee. The meeting will cover the Conductor’s, Treasurer’s and Secretary’s reports, election of officers and any other issues raised by the committee or any of the members.
- CONDUCT OF MEETINGS: A quorum of members as defined below must be present at every meeting otherwise no decisions made at the meeting will be valid and binding on the Society.
A committee meeting shall be quorate if at least five full members of the committee are present.
Co-opted members of the committee shall not normally count towards the quorum with the sole exception of members who, until the next AGM, have been co-opted by the committee to carry out the duties of elected officers who have resigned during the season.
A General Meeting shall be quorate if at least 55% of the fully paid-up membership of the Society is present.
The Chairperson shall not be eligible to vote for any matter of business that is put to a vote at General Meetings except for the reason stated below as 10. CHAIRPERSON’S CASTING VOTE. - CHAIRPERSON’S CASTING VOTE: In the event that an equal number of votes ‘For’ and ‘Against’ occurs for a matter of business that has been put to a vote, the Chairperson shall use a ‘casting vote’ to decide the matter.
- ALTERATION OF THE CONSTITUTION: Any proposed alteration of these rules must be raised at an Annual General Meeting or at an Extraordinary General Meeting . A resolution amending the Constitution will only be passed if at least 55% of the fully paid-up membership of the Society vote in favour of it.
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