About joining us

I am looking to join an orchestra.   Do you have any vacancies?

Yes.   We currently have vacancies for: Violas, Double Bass, French Horn, Trombone.

Will I need to audition?

No, auditions are not usually required.  Some ability to sight-read is necessary, along with enthusiasm to perform within an orchestra. Some previous orchestral experience would be an advantage but is not essential.

We invite you to join us for up to three rehearsals, so you can decide whether you would like to become a member. After the third rehearsal you will be invited for a short chat with our Conductor, Diana, at which point you may be offered a place within the orchestra.

How much does it cost to be a playing member?

The current annual subscription is £25 and the year runs from September to July.

For those joining between January and March, the subscription for the remaining months is £15.
For those joining from April it is £10.

Where does the orchestra rehearse?

Every Tuesday evening, from 7:15 to 9:15 pm, we rehearse on the 2nd floor of the Medicity Building, Thane Rd, Nottingham, NG90 6BH. It is near the Beeston Entrance Gate of Boots’ main site in Nottingham.

If you would like to join us, or want more information, please email… bootsorchestra@gmail.com

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Each publicity poster below links to its concert’s programme and other details:

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This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is 2018JuneConcert-2.jpg
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Flyer20191116a-1.jpg
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is March2014StCypriansHandbill-1-724x1024.jpg